thy form and power flourish!

Welcome to Summoner's Will, a fanlisting for Klarth (Claus) F. Lester of Tales of Phantasia. Klarth's been one of my all-time favorite characters ever since I first played ToP, and this site's been spreading the love for him since 2006. If you're a fan, I encourage you to take a minute to pick up a code and join the list of fans. Or, you can learn more about him or see information about the site. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook. Thanks for visiting!


Fanlisting last updated: 1 February 2025
Fans: 31 (+0 pending)
Newest fan(s): Tsuzuki
Listed at The Fanlistings Network
Script used: Enthusiast


I also run the fanlisting for Tales of Phantasia. Come join if you're a fan!

Undying Dream

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Klarth is © Namco; no infringement intended.
Summoner's Will is © Larissa, 2006-2025.